Today’s generation has no clear idea about Bhadraanandji, who broke the backbone of Communist-Jihadists in Kerala for the protection of Southern Sanatanis’. Terrorists, drug lobbies, and anti-nationals in Kerala will feel fear and unease when they hear the name of this strong-willed monk. It is difficult to define this monk in one or two words because he is unpredictable. Yes, society has forgotten the story of the monk who has a smell of gunpowder in his blood.


The most frequently asked queries and responses about Bhadraanandji.

Bhadraanandji is an unambitious, mystic modern monk who is incarnated to reestablish Sanathana Dharma in Kali Yuga. Bhadraanandji is a seer, egalitarian, philanthropist, the voice of the marginalized, and a hardcore nationalist. The rise of this monk was in the southern part of India, where Adi Shankaracharya and Jagad Guru Sree Narayanan, who incarnated for the good of the world, were born. Moreover, Bhadraanandji is also renowned for being the world’s most accurate future predictor, an aura expert, a spiritual lifestyle mentor, a photographer, and a trusted advisor to numerous influential figures in business and politics. Bhadraanandji is the only monk in South India who is fighting hard without any salary, pension, or trust fund as part of his mission to enforce dharma against social evils like the drug mafia and anti-national terrorist movements. And this mystic monk is a part of that legendary ascetic tradition that saved our India from invaders 100 years ago.

The roots of Dr. Veermaharaj Bhadraanandji’s spiritual inheritance stem from his forefathers. His grandfather, Shivayogi N. Rama Panicker, was the son of a legend, Nani Aashan; his grandmother, L. Thankamma, was Kerala’s first police officer and an ardent devotee of Goddess Durga; and some of his family members were famous in tantric and mystic arts. Bhadraanandji’s great-granddad, Nani Aashan, was the first devotee and supporter of Sree Narayana Guru. It was Nani Aashan who first recognised the spiritual abilities of Sree Narayana Guru when he came from Chempazhanthi with his friend Neelakandan to Aruvipuram in Neyyattinkara to attend a wedding ceremony, and it was Nani Aashan who later introduced the Vishwaguru Sree Narayana Guru to the world. Sree Narayana Guru was a spiritual mentor who taught the world about the philosophy of one caste, one religion, and one God for man. Sree Narayana Guru was a highly revolutionary spiritual personality who fought against the caste system and the prejudiced mindset of society throughout his life. The devotees of Sree Narayana Guru regard him as an incarnation of Lord Shiva. It was Sree Narayana Guru and Nani Aasan together who made the Shiva temple there a reality by erecting a revolutionary and controversial Shiva Lingam at Aruvippuram against the caste system.

The Malayalam month of Kanni 5th is observed in Kerala as Sree Narayana Guru’s Samadhi Day. On the same day of Kanni 5th in 1982, a baby boy was born to Nani Aashan’s granddaughter, Dr. Madhuja Hemachandran, in Thiruvananthapuram. The year of Sree Narayana Guru’s Samadhi is Kanni 5th, 1928, and the birth year of Bhadraanandji is Kanni 5th, 1982; this itself indicates a mystic twist: 28 and 82! Many believe that this boy was born to continue Sree Narayana Guru’s cycle of revolutionary work, but nowhere does Bhadraanandji claim that he is an incarnation of Sree Narayana Guru. Through this, it is clear how deep Bhadraanandji’s great birth connection and family relationship with Sree Narayana Guru are. At present, the Sree Narayana movements are facing various criticisms from society. The cause of all the trouble is that some people who have nothing to do with Sree Narayana Guru infiltrate Sree Narayana movements for selfish interests and work against Guru Dharma. But Bhadraanandji, who is inseparably connected with Sree Narayana Guru, never used any Sree Narayana movement for his own gain or became a part of it. At the same time, Bhadraanandji, who propagates Gurudharma in his own way, is looked at with wonder by society. Bhadraanandji was adorable and special to all.

Read more: https://seerofthesouth.in/about-bhadraanandji/

Ahimsa Paramo Dharmah, Dharma Himsa Tathaiva Ch
This sentence is part of a longer verse from the Mahabharata:

Ahimsa is preferable, but violence is also necessary to protect dharma when necessary. ‘Ahimsa Paramo Dharma’ The current teachers of Hinduism have taught them that the highest dharma is non-violence. But in the next line, ‘Dharma Himsa Tathaiva Cha’, there was no one to say that violence for the sake of dharma is what Veermaharaj Bhadraanandji was doing. If someone attacks you with the law, you must fight them with the same law. If someone attacks you with a weapon, you must respond to them with the same weapon. This is the nature of Bhadraanandji, and that is why he has been called as a ‘Mafia Guru or Thokku Swami’.

Now everyone knows that Kerala has become the centre of the biggest anti-nationals in the country. Unfortunately, cowardly spiritual monkeys abound in Kerala, but isn’t it the responsibility of the Hindu community to find out if there is a Hanumanji in South India with mystical spiritual power, courage, and a sense of dharma like Bhadraanandji?

Read more: https://seerofthesouth.in/an-intermediary-between-evil-and-good/

As ordinary monks enjoy a very high level of happiness and detachment from the material world, they generally stay away from society. But Bhadraanandji’s spiritual master, Aghori Baba, reminded him of his duties to the motherland and convinced him to go to his native land. For Bhadraanandji, who believed that the Guru was everything, defying the Guru’s words was unthinkable for him. His Guru told him that Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, and Kerala are the four regions that pose a threat to our country, and there are border force systems to protect the country from other regions except for Kerala. But there is no border force system to protect the country from Kerala; therefore, your task is very big, and you should be like a border fire to protect the country, Guru said.

This made him think a lot, and his Baba pointed to a soldier whom he saw on the way and said to him, “Did you see that warrior? You should be like him, who stands on the border without fearing the enemy’s attack, leaving even his family behind to protect his country and people, regardless of snow, sun, heat, and humidity. He will have a salary and a pension, and you will not get those two, but the power and blessings of me and God will still reside in you. You have that innate siddhi to predict and understand things, but others don’t have that. The siddhi that you have received is to be a light to the world of darkness, and that siddhi will be your guide when you walk in the darkness.

First, the ignorant will reject your knowledge, and then those who reject you will come behind you. You will have to overcome many trials, and those experiences will make you a strong fighter. No one can destroy you, and those who try to destroy you will be destroyed themselves. Because it is the sages who have sent you on this earth to establish dharma, the deities will come to your side to help you in various forms. A great nation awaits your service; you go and protect your dharma; that is the guru Dakshina that you are giving to me.” Bhadraanandji remained silent for a while and meditated for several hours, and finally, after bowing his head at the feet of his Guru, he returned to his native land. These words are from Bhadraanandji’s autobiography; just wait to learn about Bhadraanandji’s unspeakable life story.

Bhadraanandji is against all the evils and injustices in society, so he became the enemy of the wicked. He strived to educate people against the hatred and violence caused by religion and politics. The vision he put forth was to bring harmony into human thoughts. For this reason, he maintained a healthy distance between devious religious leaders, fake political chieftains, and gangsters. The invasion of leftist thoughts in Kerala has tried to keep away our spiritual masters, and Bhadraanandji has proved them wrong through his findings. He stood with his people, preached to them about the light of universal truth, and taught them about the real state of society. His training for young minds is to be the torchbearers of a great India for the prosperity of the country. He imparted to the younger generation not about religions and rituals but about selfless service and dharma; he tried to convey to the world the truth that if we protect Dharma, Dharma will protect us. There is no doubt that the heart of Bhadraanandji is aimed at Dharma. His aims presented here are to enrich society through spirituality and make people walk the path of social empowerment. However, some anti-national media, politicians, and administrators have not allowed him to do such things in Kerala. He teaches life lessons to the community by sustaining the core of Sanatana culture, irrespective of caste or religion; he also provides society with the spiritual fortitude and ground-breaking ideas necessary to eliminate caste and religious barriers, but the society of today chooses something else.

The anti-nationals of Kerala attacked Bhadraanandji miserably, but he has no grudge against anyone. These cowardly criminals are not courageous like him, and they will never fight directly with anyone. The attacking methods of these traitors are too strange, and their art of attacking is sui generis. For example, if these grisly guys don’t get a virgin woman, they will fabricate a story against that innocent virgin and spread the rumour that the virgin is a prostitute. How can she convince society of her innocence if it happens like that? Is she able to walk down the road and scream that she is a virgin? This is what happened with Bhadraanandji too. Only those who know Bhadraanandji well are fully aware of him; his life story serves as a reminder to society that no one should be subject to prejudice. If anybody opposes such anti-nationals, they use their political and media influence to destroy their enemies; these backstabbers will hire criminals and apply their brains to the hired criminals. Many creative media goondas are available in Kerala; such media thugs are cheap and the best. Just for one bottle of liquor or lump sum amount, they will do any filthy job professionally. With the help of these media goons, the anti-nationals will destroy their enemies’ reputations and images. Finally, with the help of police criminals, these anti-nationals will fabricate false cases against their enemies and destroy one’s life completely. The former DGP of Kerala, Dr. T. P. Senkumar, IPS, himself admitted and told the media that there were “criminals” in his police department. According to the documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, 1,129 Kerala Police officers are facing criminal charges; 387 police officers in Kerala are allegedly involved in criminal cases, according to a report that the then-DGP Loknath Behra, IPS, submitted to the State Human Rights Commission in 2018. These are the characteristics of the nefarious, unholy police hooligans of the depraved police department of Kerala’s left government who tried to portray a righteous Bhadraanandji as the wrong man. In Kerala, there is a saying, “If you are a social worker, and due to your rebellious nature, if you have any criminal cases, then you must believe that you are on the right track.” But they failed only in Bhadraanandji’s case; the entire filthy gang, who all worked against him, were in an inferno, and many lost their lives tragically.

Now society understands the aftermath of spiritual power. His strong and impartial stand to safeguard Sanatanis and protect their property, lives, and pride made him a controversial figure and an enemy of anti-nationals. The anti-national government of Kerala has jailed Bhadraanandji four times. What was the reason for Bhadraanandji’s jail term? Was that jail term for committing crimes like corruption, money laundering, rape, public nuisance, or fraud? No, then why? For speaking and acting strongly against the anti-nationals and drug mafia, who were destroying the future of the youth and the country. Bhadraanandji is a big challenge to the anti-nationals now; he is facing serious threats from extremists for his outspoken statements against the traitors’ activities. But some of the government officials who are responsible for ensuring the security of the people do not take any proper action against the traitors or do not provide proper protection or help to people like Bhadraanandji. If a person like him, who works in society without a salary and pension for the well-being of the country, does not get legal help from government officials, then whom do these government officials indirectly help? Think!

The story of the Chinese army that stormed through the Gadwal area and reached Badridham during the India-China war is an incident that India and China still do not have a clear answer to even today. To this day, no one has a clue about the story of the Chinese soldiers who fired at the soldiers in their camp and ran wild. Who was the power behind that incident?! While some argue that Badri Narayan’s play is behind this mystery, many believe that the cave-dwelling Aghori monks who reached the pinnacle of Sadhana are the mystery behind it. But an unbelievable incident similar to this has also happened in Kerala in the twenty-first century. Undoubtedly, an enigmatic occurrence rocked Kerala society ‘on a May 17’; not even the Kerala Police were willing to bring the matter to light, and those mysterious events are very difficult to hide, too. But there is a truth that the Malayali, who is engrossed in the mountains of materialism, has not yet understood about it, and that is what is being described here.

Kerala is a small state in India that prides itself on its reputation as “God’s Own Country.” But, though it was originally called a lunatic asylum by Swami Vivekananda, nowadays Kerala is famous for terrorism, narcotics, and sex trafficking. Everyone agrees that the current horrific threats to our nation originate in communist and Islamic terrorist-controlled unpatriotic Kerala. Perhaps if we say even the brain of today’s anti-national activities originated in Kerala, then no one can deny it. It is very difficult to encounter a patriot among the peculiar and self-centred inhabitants of Kerala, and if someone asks them if they are ready to die for our country, then they will beat the person who asked that question to death on the spot. It was in one such left-jihadi power centre that a horrific incident took place on May 17, 2009, that brought the anti-nationals to their knees. Yes, the Beemapally firing incident. Before saying that, we should know about the dirty tricks of the anti-national government in Kerala, which tried to bury Sanatana Dharma itself by illegally jailing an Aghori monk, Dr. Veermaharaj Bhadraanandji, exactly one year before the Beemapally police firing.

When the anti-national forces were waiting to destroy the glory of Sanatana Dharma and uproot Hindus from Kerala, a Hindu pandit named Santhosh Madhavan, alias Amrita Chaitanya, who worked as a temple priest in Ernakulam, came to light with his fraud activities. Subsequently, anti-national communist Islamic organisations decided to attack all the innocent Sanathanis in Kerala in the name of Santhosh Madhavan. Based on their agenda, the then-communist leader and Devaswom minister, G Sudhakaran, said in a public forum that “all monks in India are thieves, and 90 percent of them will not wear undergarments. Moreover, Sudhakaran said that Hindu women go to temples to see the private parts of the priests performing pujas in the temples. After, Sudhakaran’s statement, the media also carried forward their work nicely. As 85 percent of the media in Kerala is under the control of anti-national groups, they have been able to push things forward according to their agenda. At that time, a young monk named Bhadraanandji enters the scene as part of the Dharma establishment. There was no one else in Kerala except Bhadraanandji to speak and respond strongly for the Hindus of Kerala at that time.

Today’s generation has no clear idea about Bhadraanandji, who broke the backbone of Communist-Jihadists in Kerala for the protection of Southern Sanatanis’. Terrorists, drug lobbies, and anti-nationals in Kerala will feel fear and unease when they hear the name of this strong-willed monk. It is difficult to define this monk in one or two words because he is unpredictable. Yes, society has forgotten the story of the monk who has a smell of gunpowder in his blood.

Bhadraanandji reacted ruthlessly against Sudhakaran, who insulted Hindu women and saints. Bhadraanandji said, “Innocent saints and Hindu believers should not be attacked, their places of worship and property destroyed in the name of Santosh Madhavan, and if Santosh Madhavan has committed any crime, Santhosh should be brought to justice.” They feared that Bhadraanandji would become the voice of Hindus in Kerala as Bhadraanandji started reacting against the anti-Hindu forces through the media with strong language regarding the said issue. Therefore, the anti-Hindu thought that if Bhadraanandji was destroyed, Hindus would be destroyed. Sudhakaran himself had revealed to the media that Bhadraanandji had responded to him in strong language that he would beat the Devaswom minister if he insulted Hindus again. Following this feud, on the morning of May 17, 2008, the Communist-NDF gang surrounded Bhadraanandji’s house. In front of Bhadraanandji’s house, the anti-nationals shouted, hey, fake monk, come out!

“On May 17, 2008, Veermaharaj Bhadraanandji was charged under Section 307 of the IPC by the Kerala Police. 
The Kerala police itself filed a charge against the Kerala police on May 17, 2009, under Section 302 of the IPC.”
How did the police use guns there without a government order? So, who controlled the police there?
Whose order did the police execute there?
Some people in our society do not believe in such things, and if we think from their side, how come such a horrific gun incident happened in Kerala on May 17 itself, as predicted by Veermaharaj Bhadraanandji?

Incredible May 17 series!
Due to the 2009 May 17th strife, former Chief Minister VS Achuthanandan created unnecessary problems against Veermaharaj Bhadraanandji. Based on that, Bhadraanandji predicted that Achuthanandan and his leftist government would be deposed on May 17th. Believe it or not, the government of VS Achuthanandan fell on May 17, 2011, and the next day Bhadraanandji’s friend Oommen Chandy took office as the next Chief Minister of Kerala. 

Through the film “Makante Achan,” actor Jagathy Sreekumar distorted the May 17, 2008 incident, portrayed Veermaharaj Bhadraanandji as the wrong person, and mocked Bhadraanandji in front of society. After watching the film, Bhadraanandji met Jagathy in person and asked: Why do you always choose characters who unnecessarily abuse Hindu monks in movies? Why did you play that role in the movie “Makante Achan” to humiliate me for no reason?”? After hearing this, Jagathy treated Bhadraanandji very badly. Jagathy very defiantly told Bhadraanandji: If you have any complaints, write them on a piece of paper and hand them over to the authorities. Bhadraanandji said: Writing grievances on paper is not my job. Exasperated, Jagathy said to Bhadraanandji, “Then you do the job that you know, Mister Thokku Swami!”. Hearing this, Bhadraanandji looked at Jagathy’s face and said only one thing: “My work is different, and you cannot bear that, Mr Jagathy.” After giving Jagathy a calm look and a smile, Bhadraanandji quietly turned and walked away. A worker on the set of the film stated: ‘A barking dog is not to be feared because its bite cannot cause death. Concurrently, we need to be frightened of the silent serpent, because its bite might lead us to our demise. The nature of this Bhadraanandji is very strange. If this man shouts at someone or starts a fight with somebody, no one should be afraid of it. But if he smiles gently in the face of wrongdoers or remains silent, it is difficult.’ What happened next was beyond logic. Kerala saw the sight of Jagathy Sreekumar, who met with an accident on NH 17 and got paralyzed, unable to move or speak!

When Bhadraanandji was imprisoned for 31 days by the Left government on May 17, 2008, over a firearms problem, Kodiyeri Balakrishnan was the Home Minister of Kerala. Later, Unique Times Magazine published an article entitled “Rocking Predictions of a Bhadraanandji Shocking India,” in which Bhadraanandji’s predictions revealed the future of India’s leading political leaders. In that, Bhadraanandji made a prediction about Kodiyeri Balakrishnan: “The dragon’s head and tail will cause pain due to some reasons for Kodiyeri’s family. This will destroy the peace of mind of the leader.” If you want to know the aftermath of that prediction, then just Google it. With this, many people realised that many miseries could have been avoided if they had known the hidden dangers in their lives in advance.

There was a journalist named SV Pradeep in Kerala who made a living by creating unrelated and fake news to increase his reach on YouTube. Once, Pradeep distorted Bhadraanandji’s May 17, 2008, controversial issue and spread defamatory propaganda against Bhadraanandji in society through his online platforms. On top of that, Pradeep maliciously insulted Bhadraanandji’s predictions and good deeds. After witnessing Pradeep’s media hooliganism, Bhadraanandji laughed and appeared before the public through Facebook Live. While Pradeep was watching that Facebook Live, Bhadraanandji made a forecast about him: “Dear Pradeep, You will have 31 days on this earth, after which a tipper truck will run over your vehicle!” Pradeep, who was a part of the communist gang and an opportunist, said. How can a fake Bhadraanandji predict someone’s future? Finally, Pradeep walked out of Facebook Live with a spitting gesture. Exactly thirty-one days later, a tipper struck Pradeep down, and people in Kerala found his headless body by the roadside. An old lady said, When something happens, we all will know about it; but before that happens, Bhadraanandji will say about it.

After the May 17, 2008 gun controversy, the CPI (M) Party tried to isolate Bhadraanandji from society by portraying him as a criminal. After that, Bhadraanandji predicted that the Kerala community would reform the CPM as the Criminal Party of India (Mlechahas). What is happening now? Bhadraanandji has also said that CPI (Marxist) will occupy a great place in the pages of history. It will be history, which means everything will end.

Several times, Bhadraanandji has responded through his social media that the Central Government will ban the PFI group from the country. Bhadraanandji is still the apple of PFI’s eye due to Bhadraanandji’s hardcore nationalism and his response against terrorist activities and drug mafias in Kerala. The PFI group, as we know it today, is a new form of the old NDF Islamic terrorist group that came to attack Bhadraanandji’s house on May 17, 2008, along with the communist gangs. Bhadraanandji’s war with the PFI activists, who are saying that they will rape Bhadraanandji’s mother, cut off Bhadraanandji’s head, and completely wipe out the RSS from the country, continues even today. It is a wonderful mystery that no one understands how the central government passed the order banning PFI in the country on September 22, especially on Bhadraanandji’s birthday. The above-said experience clarifies the spiritual message that you and I are not two but one.

After the May 17, 2008, strife, Kerala is in turmoil. People recognised many truths. People lost trust in politics, the police, and the media. In Kerala, hundreds of policemen committed suicide. Law and order were shattered. Terrorism has dominated. The drug mafia has grown like hell!

How did these kinds of baffling events happen in connection with May 17? 
Why has no legal expert in the country been able to explain the mysteries behind this shocking May 17 series yet? Is it out of fear that the media in Kerala, who ridicule Bhadraanandji as Thokku Swami, are hiding the mysteries of the May 17 series?

Actually, what did Veermaharaj Bhadranandji do? Is it the ultimate tantric technique called Parakaya Praveshana, which was shown by Adi Shankar? Or is it the mind-hacking technique of Maha Siddhan Bodhi Dharma, who migrated to China from Tamil Nadu? If not these two, the question raised by Kerala society is whether this Bhadraanandji is the mysterious head of some other global power that controls the world. In many interviews, Bhadraanandji has underlined that ‘a real monk can change the thoughts of society’. It is a startling truth that a true Siddhi Purusha can free another person from their control and move their thoughts through his controlling power. So, is Bhadraanandji, who lives among us as one of us, one of the Maha Siddha Purush who saw India?!!

No one can dispute that a special power was worked out behind the above-mentioned matters. But if you ask whether that force is spiritual or mafia-related, it is up to your logic to find the answer.

Meeting a spiritual figure is not a big deal nowadays, as there are thousands of monks around us. But how many monks have proven their mystic abilities in this society? This is where Bhadraanandji distinguishes himself. A real seer should prove his prediction abilities to society through his predictions. In this society, how many saints have demonstrated their sixth sense abilities through their prophecies? Without an active sixth sense, how can a monk lead the community?
Our new generation learned about Maha Siddhan Bodhi Dharma’s mind-hacking tactic to eliminate enemies through actor Suriya’s movie ‘Ezham Arivu’. At the same time, Bhadraanandji is the only sage who has demonstrated this great mystic act to society, outside of the realm of cinema. As revenge for May 17, 2008, on May 17, 2009, Bhadraanandji performed a similar act of Bodhi Dharma’s mind hacking tactic in Beemapally against the left government. That resulted in the deaths of six people and serious injuries to fifty-two others in Beemapally. Similarly, Bhadraanandji, created his signature as an irreplaceable immortal in the occult world through Gupta Vidyas like Maha Vashikaran, Tantric Vidya, and Parakaya Praveshanam.
A meeting with the King of Predictions, Bhadraanandji, will help us attain an accurate knowledge of our future and destiny.
Bhadraanandji’s Super Intelligence Program (SIP) helps people understand the hidden dangers in their lives. SIP is a special program designed for a group of people who don’t like to lose anywhere in life, don’t want to go down from the current standard of living, and are interested in developing their own skills further.
Additionally, Bhadraanandji can impart to us the secret techniques of the Himalayan sages to protect our future from evil forces, preserve our health, and strengthen our spiritual progress.

Seer Of The South

The last word of Mysticism

The Seer who thinks about your future and who talks unbiasedly about your needs.

Seer, Egalitarian, Philanthropist, Voice Of The Marginalized.