Pet Astrology

Pet Astrology

The energies from the Navagrahas create changes not only for humans, but also for all living beings. Today, pets are an integral part of many people’s lives. Animals have the ability to perceive many things that humans cannot see and know.
Pets are great energy-exchangers. Understanding how your pet’s energy influences your aura can help you achieve many objectives.
Seer Bhadraanand is introducing pet astrology for all pet parents.
We need to be really careful when thinking about our pet’s energy. A newborn baby’s energy can influence their parents in many ways. Likewise, we must be aware that a pet’s energy can affect its owners in many ways. Those who want to know more about this can contact us.
The piller behind Pet Astrology

The Prognosticator Award Winner

Although many people talk about the sixth sense, not everyone is aware of its greatness. At the same time, Seer Bhadranand is the only personality who proved the greatness of the sixth sense to the world through his strange spiritual endeavours. Also, in the prediction world, he is known as an Indian Nostradamus. Moreover, the accuracy of his predictions rated him above the insights of Nostradamus. The community first learned about his prophetic instinct at the age of seven. He first shocked the family by predicting the deaths of his grandfather and father. By the age of twenty, he was known all over for these unusual insights. His karmic purity, spiritual wisdom, and prophetic abilities are irreplaceable. For the 2004 tsunami forecast, Kerala Fisheries Minister Shri. Dominic Presentation honoured Seer Bhadranand with the Mother Teresa Award; in 2019, the Mumbai Rotary Club honoured him with the Social Revolutionary Award; and in 2019, for his unusual predictions and rare Aura Mechanism, the Academy of Universal Global Peace USA honoured him with a Doctor of Philosophy. And for his accurate predictions like the Kerala flood, the Corona pandemic, actor Dileep’s controversy, Bineesh Kodiyeri’s arrest, Pinarayi Vijayan’s bickering, and Narendra Modi’s hidden failures, Dr. Seer Bhadraanand received the Unique Times excellency award for “The Prognosticator” in 2022. The Gokulam group of companies chairman, Shri Gokulam Gopalan, presented the award to him in the presence of film director Major Ravi and Pegasus Chairman, Dr. Ajit Ravi.

Swami Bhadraanand along with Major Ravi, Gokulam Gopalan, Dr Ajit Ravi

Our top-notch services

Redesign your destiny

Pay Attention If You Really Care Your Kids. The next level of your children's safety.

Guarding Machine

Important points to think about before your perfect steer. Your safety is all based on your brain's decisions, and defining a safe drive starts with your thoughts.

Aura Mechanism

Your aura is the cause of all your problems.

Pet Astrology

A newborn baby’s energy can influence their parents in many ways. Likewise, we must be aware that a pet’s energy can affect its owners in many ways.


The evolution of your Soul, Mind and Body begins here.

Super Intelligence Program

The next level of your future protection.